The Classic Text
In what ways have such classic works as the Bible and the plays of William Shakespeare been presented to a loyal readership over the centuries? How have the works of the ancient Greeks and Romans been transmitted through the millennia, and why do they continue to hold such potency and relevance? How has the vivid imagery of Dante's Divine Comedy been depicted and interpreted from the middle ages to the present? Would Milton's Paradise Lost have entered the canon of western literature without the untiring promotional efforts of its principal publisher? Why do works such as Cooper's The Last of the Mohicans and Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin continue to hold secure positions as American literary classics? Would James Joyce's Ulysses have remained an obscure modernist novel without the censorship issues that surrounded it?
These are some of the questions addressed by a major exhibition entitled "The Classic Text: Traditions and Interpretations," that was on view in the Fourth Floor Exhibition Gallery of the Golda Meir Library from May 1996 through March 1997. This exhibit was translated to the Web in 1997 and has now been redesigned for Omeka.
The Bible
- The Book of Kells
- The Alba Bible
- The Gutenberg Bible
- Biblia Latina. 1479
- Psalterium, Hebraeum, Grecu[m]. Aragicu[m], & Chaldeu[m]
- Biblia. 1528
- Ben Sira
- Biblia Sacra. 1581
- A Plaine and Familiar Explication...
- Biblia. 1690
- ʻE Kainè Diathéke Novum Testamentum
- Sacrorum Evangeliorum
- Colour Versions of William Blake's Book of Job Designs
- New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
- The Holy Bible Reprinted...
- The King James Version of the Holy Bible
- The Four Gospels
- The Book of Psalms
- Marc Chagall, Die Bibel
- Words of the Teacher
Classical Literature
- La Vlyxea de Homero
- Homērou kai Hēsiodou Agōn
- His Odysses Translated
- The Classical Compositions of John Flaxman
- Homer's Iliad
- The Odyssey of Homer. Longmans, Green, 1901
- The Odyssey of Homer. Medici Society, 1924
- The Odyssey and the Iliad translated by Alexander Pope
- The Odyssey of Homer. Limited Editions Club, 1981
St. Augustine
Dante Alighieri
- The Brescia Dante
- Illustrations to The Divine Comedy of Dante
- Commedia di Dante Allighieri
- The Divine Comedy. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- The Divine Comedy. Translated by Melville Best Anderson
- Drawings for Dante's Inferno by Rico Lebrun
- Illustrations by Doré and Botticelli
- XXXIV Drawings for Dante's Inferno
Geoffrey Chaucer
- The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- The Ellesmere Chaucer
- A Leaf from The Canterbury Tales
- The Woorkes of Geffrey Chaucer
- The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- The Canterbury Tales. Clarendon Press, 1798
- Poetical Works
- The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer Now Newly Imprinted
- The Canterbury Tales. Philip Lee Warner, 1913
- The Canterbury Tales. Limited Editions Club, 1934
- The Canterbury Tales. Limited Editions Club, 1946
- The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
Edmund Spenser
- The Faerie Queene. Facsimile of the second edition, 1596
- The Works of that Famous English Poet, Mr. Edmund Spenser
- The Works of Mr. Edmund Spenser
- The Faerie Queene. Brindley & Wright, 1751
- The Fairy Queen. Tonson, 1758
- The Faerie Queene. Dent, 1897
- The Faerie Queene. Cambridge University Press, 1909
- The Faerie Queene. Ashendene Press, 1923
- The Works of Edmund Spenser
- The Faerie Queene. Limited Editions Club, 1953
William Shakespeare
- Shakespeare's Hamlet: The First Quarto
- Shakespeare's Hamlet: The Second Quarto
- The Norton Facsimile: The First Folio of Shakespeare
- The Second and Fourth Folio
- The Works of William Shakespear. Tonson, 1709
- The Works of Shakespear. Tonson, 1728
- The Works of Shakespear. Theatre, 1744
- The Plays of William Shakespeare
- Shakespeare's Winter's Tale
- The Family Shakespeare
- The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare
- The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakespere
- The Works of William Shakespeare. Adlard, 1853
- Shakespeare's Works. Appleton & Co., 1867
- The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Sproul, 1907
- The Comedies, Histories & Tragedies of William Shakespeare.
- A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare, As You Like It
- Macbeth, Translated to a More Modern Speech and Clarified
- Mac Bird!
John Milton
- Jacob Tonson
- Paradise Lost. Tonson, 1688
- Paradise Lost. Tonson, 1695
- The Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton
- Milton's Paradise Lost. Tonson, 1732
- Paradise Lost. Company of Stationers, 1739
- Paradise Lost. Tonson, 1749
- Paradise Lost. Baskerville for Tonson, 1758
- Paradise Lost. Richter, 1794
- Milton's Paradise Lost. Bensley for Roveray, 1802
- Paradise Lost. Illustrated by William Blake, 1906
- The Paradise Lost of Milton. Illustrated by John Martin, 1827
- Milton's Paradise Lost. Illustrated by Doré, 1866
- The Poetical Works of John Milton
- Paradise Lost. Cresset Press, 1931
- Paradise Lost. Golden Cockerel Press, 1937
James Fenimore Cooper
- The Last of the Mohicans. Carey & Lea, 1826
- The Last of the Mohicans. Galignani, 1826
- The Last of the Mohicans. John Miller, 1826
- The Last of the Mohicans. Colburn and Bentley, 1831
- Pages and Pictures from the Writings of James Fenimore Cooper
- The Works of James Fenimore Cooper
- The Last of the Mohicans. Limited Editions Club, 1932
- The Last of the Mohicans. Scott, Foresman, 1950
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Harriet Beecher Stowe
James Joyce
- Ulysses. Little Review, Episode I
- W.H. Lamar to John Quinn
- John Quinn to Margaret Anderson
- Ezra Pound to Margaret Anderson, 1918
- Ezra Pound to Margaret Anderson, 1920
- Ulysses. Little Review, Episode XIII
- Ulysses. Little Review, Episode XVIII
- James Joyce to Jane Heap
- Ulysses: A Facsimile of the Manuscript. 1975
- Prospectus for Ulysses
- Sylvia Beach to Jane Heap
- Ulysses. Egoist Press, 1922
- Two Worlds
- Ulysses. Odyssey Press, 1932
- Ulysses. Random House, 1934
- Ulysses. Limited Editions Club, 1935
- Ulysses. Bodley Head, 1936
- Ulysses: A Critical and Synoptic Edition. 1984
"The Classic Text" is the work of many hands. Under the curatorial direction of Special Collections Librarian Max Yela, the exhibition was researched and prepared by Special Collections interns: Christopher Barth (classical literature, St. Augustine, Dante, Chaucer, Spenser, and Milton), a graduate student in the Department of History and the School of Library and Information Science, and Sarah McDaniel (the Bible, Cooper, Stowe, Hawthorne, and Joyce), a graduate student in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature and the School of Library and Information Science. The section on William Shakespeare was prepared by Dr. Virginia Haas of UWM's Department of English and Comparative Literature, and Senior Editor for the New Variorum Shakespeare project based at the Golda Meir Library. The exhibit was redesigned for Omeka by Anna Michelle Martinez-Montavon.