A10. Melba

A10. Melba

A10. Carl Sandburg. Melba. Santa Cruz, California: Gordon Salter, 1979.

26 x 20.5 cm (10 ¼” x 8”), 24 pages, 10 copies.

Binding: Red velvet over boards. Paper: Ivory, Strathmore Pastelle. Printing: Letterpress. Typography: Handset Goudy Old Style. Illustration: Seven photographs, three color and four black & white, tipped in. Notes: Contains a poem by Carl Sandburg. Made in memory of Melba Bruce. Printed by The Good Book Press.

“This was the second book commissioned by Gordon Salter, made in memory of a friend. Our work was so inexpensive at the time, we figure that after making the first he couldn’t resist having us make a second. We still didn’t know much about bookmaking and neglected to include a real title page, so the book does not include the date or place of publication.”