A6. They Say Down in Nova Scotia

A6. They Say Down in Nova Scotia

A6. Godfrey Peter Payzant. They Say Down in Nova Scotia. Santa Cruz, California: The Good Book Press, 1979.

14.5 x 11.5 cm (5 ¾” x 4 ½”), 36 pages, 24 copies.

Binding: Patterned velveteen over boards. End sheets grey. Paper: Tan commercial. Printing: Letterpress. Typography: Handset Century Schoolbook. Notes: Commissioned by Gordon Salter in memory of his friend Peter Payzant. The quotes were sayings Salter remembered Payzant using all the time. 

“The text is a collection of aphorisms used by Godfrey Payzant. We first set the type for this story as a broadside, then used the same setting to make this book. Donna printed the etching in her art class at Sonoma State College.”