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Apple Watch Handwashing timer.

Apple Watch handwashing feature that lets you know handwashing has lasted at least 20 seconds.

Apple Watch Handwashing timer., Ifedayo Kehinde, Ifedayo Kehinde, 2020

During the pandemic, Apple, manufacturers of iOS and macOS devices, introduced a feature to help us track how long we should wash our hands. The World…

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Larry Kilmer, School of Architecture and Urban Planning Clean Surfaces You Touch Sign

Photograph of a social distancing guidelines sign at UWM

Larry Kilmer, School of Architecture and Urban Planning Clean Surfaces You Touch Sign, April 11, 2021

This sign was found in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning (SARUP) building, just inside the southeast entrance. It shows a series of…

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Greek alphabet

greek alphabet 3 9 21.jpg

Greek alphabet, Amanda I Seligman, 2020

When the pandemic's spread started to become clearer, Americans were deluged with public health messages about handwashing. The basic message was to…

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Marquette Sign

marquette a 8 21 20.jpg

Marquette Sign, Amanda Seligman, 2020

A sign at Marquette University reminds passersby technices for keeping themselves and others safe.

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#WashYourHands, Derek Counts (drawing by son), 2020

My son started making "public service announcements" using Mario Bros characters...and we tweet them as well as hang them on our window for folks to…

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Hand Washing Songs

Hand Washing Songs.jpg

Hand Washing Songs, Joseph Walzer, 2020

Sign in the restroom at Black Husky Brewing on Locust Street in Riverwest offering songs to sing other than Happy Birthday while washing your hands.

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