Browse Items (40 total)

City of Milwaukee issues first citations for violating the face mask mandate to Fiesta Cafe

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City of Milwaukee issues first citations for violating the face mask mandate to Fiesta Cafe,, August 20, 2020

Milwaukee issues $1,500 in fines to Fiesta Cafe for violating the mask mandate. Mayor Tom Barrett said the goal is not to fine these businesses and…

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Cafe Hollander Parklet


Cafe Hollander Parklet, Lizzie Hjelle, 2020

Cafe Hollander has extended their seating into the street and are now offering concerts on Mondays.

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Dan Shafer, Which Bar Would Kamala Harris Visit?

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Dan Shafer, Which Bar Would Kamala Harris Visit?, August 11, 2020

Twitter users pondering the answer of "If Kamala Harris was still coming to Milwaukee for the convention, which bar would she make a public appearance…

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u/swegmaster1, Water St. Last Night Looked Busier than I Had Ever Seen It Before...

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u/swegmaster1, Water St. Last Night Looked Busier than I Had Ever Seen It Before..., August 16, 2020

A reddit user shared that they saw Water St. and parts of Brady packed on a Saturday night with about half the people wearing masks. They also noted…

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Oscar Harding, Sweet Basil - Oral History with Victoria, Kenneth, Claudia and Andrew Sithy

Oscar Harding, Sweet Basil - Oral History with Victoria, Kenneth, Claudia and Andrew Sithy, May 17, 2020

An oral history of the Franklin-based Thai/Laosian restaurant Sweet Basil, which opened in the middle of the pandemic. Oscar Harding interviews…

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Order Restricting Sales in Some Businesses

COVID-19 Order Restricting Food and Beverage Sales.pdf

Order Restricting Sales in Some Businesses, March 17, 2020

The order of southeastern counties and cities to restrict food and beverage sales unless it is curbside only.

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O'Lydia's Bar and Grill, O'Lydia's Stays Closed Despite Governor's Order Being Struck Down

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O'Lydia's Bar and Grill, O'Lydia's Stays Closed Despite Governor's Order Being Struck Down, May 13, 2020

Following the Wisconsin state supreme court's decision to strike down the extension of Governor Evers' "Safer At Home" order, allowing businesses to…

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Highbury Pub, Highbury Pub Stays Closed Despite Governor's Order Being Struck Down

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Highbury Pub, Highbury Pub Stays Closed Despite Governor's Order Being Struck Down, May 13, 2020

Following the Wisconsin state supreme court's decision to strike down the extension of Governor Evers' "Safer At Home" order, allowing businesses to…

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Red Lion Pub, Red Lion Pub Stays Closed Despite Governor's Order Being Struck Down

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Red Lion Pub, Red Lion Pub Stays Closed Despite Governor's Order Being Struck Down, May 13, 2020

Following the Wisconsin state supreme court's decision to strike down the extension of Governor Evers' "Safer At Home" order, allowing businesses to…

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New Hours to Miss Molly's Cafe


New Hours to Miss Molly's Cafe, Anonymous

Changes to the cafe during shut down / 1st week of shutdown.

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