Browse Exhibits (22 total)
Life as it is Now
For this project, I took pictures of the places I used to visit before the quarantine happened. Most places like the mall, restaurants, and the UWM campus were obviously closed and empty; the images were very impactful to see and odd to take. Overall, these pictures are a representation of my daily life and other Milwaukee residents’ lives during the stay at home order. I hope that these images can be used as documentation when looking back at what life was like during the pandemic.
What I Would've Worn
As I have been stuck in my house for quarantine, I have found that the urge to dress up hasn’t gone away, even as there is no one to see me. I decided to funnel this desire to wear regular clothes, going out clothes, work clothes even, into a photo project. “What I Would’ve Worn” is a series of photographs documenting outfits I planned to wear to events that have been canceled or indefinitely postponed.
Solidarity in Milwaukee
I photographed displays of solidarity in Milwaukee, Wisconsin during the global pandemic. The response of several Milwaukee staples has been to make signs and artwork to portray a solidarity with their patrons and community members. I chose this project because of the transience of these displays. Some have changed already, and others will be a lasting memory of this moment in time. I hope to show how our city has come together in such an uncertain time.
During the Safer at Home order, art and signs cover the outside of businesses, schools, and other organizations that have closed. The state of society is noticeably strange, with most buildings forced to remain closed throughout the months of March, April and now May. There is no certainty for the summer months following Governor Evers’ extended order, and small businesses continue to weather this storm. There are sculptures with face masks, billboards, and windows covered with at-home art projects. Playgrounds and parks have been closed off and grocery stores and restaurants have changed the way customers filter through. I'm interested in doing this project because I see these public displays as I go for walks or scroll through social media. This project along with the rest of the JAMS class is important for the collective memory of this historic period. People respond well to displays of solidarity and it is something that is relevant to the Milwaukee community, and the rest of the world.
Nowhere to Play
Playgrounds have been blocked off using bright yellow caution tape to keep children from playing on them due to Wisconsin’s Safer at Home order during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the caution tape protects children from spreading and contracting the virus, it gives the generally joyful and youthful space the eerie feeling of a crime scene. COVID-19 has turned some of the busiest communities into ghost towns, and the taped off playgrounds add yet another haunting layer to the devastating effects of the pandemic.
No Longer in Milwaukee
It is crazy how one thing can change everyone's lives. One thing that has changed during this pandemic is where I live; I no longer live in Milwaukee. In these pictures I will show different images of my surroundings after being displaced due to the pandemic.
Milwaukee Abandoned
In March 2020, Wisconsinites were ordered to stay at home to stop the spread of COVID-19. This forced places that were once full of people to become all but abandoned until further notice. This photo series documents some of these epmty spaces.
Desolate Spaces
During quarantine I took pictures of empty parking lots around the area. Because of the global pandemic currently going on, I wanted to see how places have changed due to the lack of human contact. It was both interesting and a little eerie at to see what you can find in empty spaces that are usually filled with so much life. By showing a space that was once always busy and full, it symbolizes how we all have to do our part in staying home so that those empty spaces can once again be filled with life when this pandemic is finally over. This project is meaningful to me and the larger community as well.
Time Off in My Room
Quarantine has shifted our current schedules and opened up copious amount of free time. With all this time on your hands, you spend a lot of time with yourself and your own thoughts. For many, this has been a time of great self-reflection and internal realization, and time in our bedrooms—a place where we can be entirely ourselves, and it shows.