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7th grader mask
7th grader mask, Amanda Seligman, 2020
I found this photo in my Facebook Memories this morning. Here is the text of the post I wrote to go with it: "My daughter made a mask for one of her…
Tags: Distance Learning, Education--K12, Face Mask, Photograph
Ralph Stamerjohn, 76,831 Free Print and Audio Books
Ralph Stamerjohn, 76,831 Free Print and Audio Books
Georgean Ewart, 75th Birthday Celebration
Georgean Ewart, 75th Birthday Celebration
Tags: Birthday, Brookfield WI, Celebration, Emotion, Photograph, Reflection, Safer at Home
6th Grade Schedule
6th Grade Schedule
Each week students at Lake Bluff Elementary get a new schedule of work to complete. They also shifted from voluntary to mandatory work to maintain…
Tags: Distance Learning, Education--K12, Homeschooling, Lake Bluff Elelmentary School, Lesson Plan, Photograph, Shorewood WI
6 ft Apart-Voting in COVID-19 Pandemic
6 ft Apart-Voting in COVID-19 Pandemic, Hannah Biller (HB Photography), 2020
Theses images were taken at Riverside University High School voting polls during the primary election on April 7th, 2020. That day, I braved a walk to…
Tags: April 7 Primary Election, Lines, Personal Protective Equipment, Photograph, Social Distance
5th Street | 19 March 2020
5th Street | 19 March 2020, Cristina Kathleen Ossers, 2020
This video was taken on what is usually a high trafficked street in Historic Walker's Point. Typically there are folks dinning in and out at Fuel…
Tags: Streets, Video, Walker's Point Neighborhood
23 Truck Madness at Grocery Warehouse
23 Truck Madness at Grocery Warehouse, Josh Kleifgen, 2020
23 trucks blocking 13th St. Aldi distribution center waiting for restock.
Tags: Business, Grocery Store, Oak Creek WI, Photograph, Streets, Transportation
15 new steel ballot drop-off boxes to be installed around Milwaukee
15 new steel ballot drop-off boxes to be installed around Milwaukee,, August 18, 2020
Due to Coronavirus, experts are speculating a rise in mail in ballots of the November election. Recent problems with the Post Office have led…
#WashYourHands, Derek Counts (drawing by son), 2020
My son started making "public service announcements" using Mario Bros characters...and we tweet them as well as hang them on our window for folks to…
Tags: Art, Children, Handwashing, Health & Wellness, Home & Family Life
#SocialDistancing, Derek Counts (drawing by son), 2020
My son started making "public service announcements" using Mario Bros characters...and we tweet them as well as hang them on our window for folks to…
Tags: Art, Children, Home & Family Life, Social Distance