The Miramar Theatre and NIVA, #SaveOurStages, July 27, 2020
This item is a social media post that the Miramar Theatre had shared to promote the #SaveOurStages which supported local music venues during the…
Tags: #SaveOurStages, Facebook, Live Performace, Music, National Independent Venue Association, Social Media, The Miramar Theatre
Evan Marsalli, Kelson Kuzdas, Max Niemann, State Street Boogie
This item features a social media post from Diet Lite promoting a live show that they had played on State Street in Madison. The concert was held…
Tags: Face Mask, Facebook, Live Performace, Madison WI, Music, Promotion, Social Distance, Social Media, State Street
Holly, I Got Vaccinated for My Concerts, April 14, 2021
This item features a random social media post I had found while browsing through Twitter. The post caught my attention since this was one out of many…
Tags: Live Performace, Music, Social Media, Twitter, Vaccination
Concert and Event Calendar from the Rave,, March 2020
This item features the concerts and events that were scheduled at the Rave for 2020 but were all canceled or rescheduled due to the pandemic. The Rave…
Tags: Cancellation, Live Performace, Music, Online Resource, the Rave/Eagles Club, Website
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