Browse Items (13 total)

Support Local Commerce

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Support Local Commerce, Amanda Seligman, 2020

A banner tied to the empty patio of the City Market in Shorewood asks passersby to support local commerce, including employees. The sign was still…

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Post Office

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Post Office, Amanda Irene Seligman, 2020

How the Shorewood Post Office is managing social distancing.

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Shorewood School District Teacher Appreciation Week


Shorewood School District Teacher Appreciation Week

To celebrate the teachers, Shorewood School District created themes for the week that students can send in pictures to thank their teachers for the…

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Brianna Quade, Oral History with Alexa

Brianna Quade, Oral History with Alexa

Oral history with UWM student Alexa talking about her experience as a student and parent during quarantine.

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Stay Strong Shorewood


Stay Strong Shorewood, Tommy Barrett, 2020

A house in Shorewood has the words "All things must pass, Stay Shorewood Strong." The house sits across the street from Atwater Park, a popular spot…

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K. Garcia, Email to Carroll University students

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K. Garcia, Email to Carroll University students

Previously, Carroll University cancelled their 2020 Spring Graduation. The University has since changed commencement to a virtual ceremony giving…

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6th Grade Schedule

Manke_ 4_13-4_17 6th Grade Schedule.pdf

6th Grade Schedule

Each week students at Lake Bluff Elementary get a new schedule of work to complete. They also shifted from voluntary to mandatory work to maintain…

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Petition to Postpone Commencement


Petition to Postpone Commencement, Karla G.

Unlike other universities in Wisconsin, Carroll University has cancelled their 2020 Commencement rather than postponing it. This petition led to over…

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Baby Yoda with Toilet Paper


Baby Yoda with Toilet Paper, Scott Yanoff, 2020

My daughter, Carly Yanoff, drew this in our driveway in Shorewood.

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Lake Drive Morning Rush


Lake Drive Morning Rush, James Hegarty, 2020

At this hour, It’s usually rush hour on Lake Drive in Shorewood.

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