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What My Remote Learning Looks Like
What My Remote Learning Looks Like, Cruz Casas, 2021
Once Covid-19 took over about a year ago, this is what my remote learning has looked like over the past months of schoolwork here at my house. The…
What Remote Learning Looks Like For Me-Ivy Neas
What Remote Learning Looks Like For Me-Ivy Neas, Myself, A day of my spring break vacation
My boyfriend and I traveled to Roanoke, Virginia via a twelve-hour road trip. We didn't want to go somewhere heavily populated, for obvious reasons,…
Tags: Distance Learning, Photograph, Roanoke VA, Vacation
WhatsApp group message
WhatsApp group message, Ifedayo Kehinde, Ifedayo Kehinde, 2020
This image is one of the multiple messages received during the COVID lockdown. Some of my friends created the WhatsApp group with the sole aim of…
Tags: Conversation, COVID-19 Cases, Meme, News Article, News Broadcast, Quarantine, SMS, Social Media, Technology, Virtual Gathering
Dan Shafer, Which Bar Would Kamala Harris Visit?
Dan Shafer, Which Bar Would Kamala Harris Visit?, August 11, 2020
Twitter users pondering the answer of "If Kamala Harris was still coming to Milwaukee for the convention, which bar would she make a public appearance…
Tags: Bars & Restaurants, Democratic National Convention, Public Opinion, Tweet
Grace Jade Soma-Davidson, White Coats for Black Lives
Grace Jade Soma-Davidson, White Coats for Black Lives, June 2, 2020
This post was shared by Grace on Facebook. The photo depicts Froedtert Hospital healthcare professionals standing in solidarity with the Black Lives…
Tags: Activism, Doctor, Face Mask, Froedtert Hospital, Healthcare, Protest, Public Health & Hospitals, Race & Ethnicity, Sign
Who Wants Pizza?
Who Wants Pizza?, Maya Lusis, 2020
No one lined up for pizza at a Zaffiro's in New Berlin.
Tags: Empty Spaces, Parking Lot, Photograph, Safer at Home, Sign, Social Distance
Whole Foods More like “No Foods”!
Whole Foods More like “No Foods”!, Anonymous, 2020
Shopping right after classes were over at UW-Milwaukee and went into the Whole Foods on North Avenue for my weekly shopping and basically got nothing…
Tags: Business, Grocery Store, Item Shortage, Murray Hill Neighborhood, Photograph, Whole Foods
Whole Foods Special Hours
Whole Foods Special Hours, LKNJ, 2020
Signs on Whole Foods explaining new hours for high-risk customers.
Tags: Business, Grocery Store, Health & Wellness, Photograph, Public Health & Hospitals, Sign, Store Hours, Whole Foods
Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?
Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?, Maya Lusis, 2020
As people are told to stay home, chickens and roosters at a local farmhouse restaurant roam freely in the parking lot.
Tags: Bars & Restaurants, Empty Spaces, Muskego WI, Parking Lot, Photograph
Why do you wear a mask? UWM Video
Why do you wear a mask? UWM Video,, August 25, 2020
In an effort to increase mask usage around campus, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee published a video of students demonstrating mask usage and…
Tags: Face Mask, Public Health & Hospitals, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Video, Youtube