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Frank Kalisik, A Displaced Student

Student Make-shift Desk on a Bed

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Student Make-shift Desk on a Bed, Anne Baldwin, 2020

UW-Milwaukee student Anne B. has made a make-shift "desk" on a mattress in her Milwaukee apartment. This has been her study space since UWM has closed…

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We Will Get Through This!


We Will Get Through This!, Marc Tasman, 2020

Murray Hill Neighborhood. 2700 block of N. Frederick Ave.

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Murray Hill Neighborhood-Social Distancing

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Murray Hill Neighborhood-Social Distancing, Marc Tasman, 2020

Friends and neighbors maintaining social distance in Murray Hill, the neighborhood south to the UW-Milwaukee campus. This is the 2700 block of Murray…

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Downer Marquee


Downer Marquee, Grace Robinson, 2020

A photo of the marquee for the Downer Theatre. Taken while out to run quick errands.

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Whole Foods More like “No Foods”!


Whole Foods More like “No Foods”!, Anonymous, 2020

Shopping right after classes were over at UW-Milwaukee and went into the Whole Foods on North Avenue for my weekly shopping and basically got nothing…

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