Browse Items (33 total)

City Hall Ballot Box

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City Hall Ballot Box, Amanda Seligman, 2020

I dropped off my absentee ballot at the Glendale City Hall today. My idea was to avoid crowds at my polling station on election day. Glendale is a…

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Pastor Compares Mask Mandate to the Holocaust

Pastor Compares Mask Mandate to the Holocaust,, July 27, 2020

During the July 21st Brookfield Common Council Meeting, the Council put forward a mask mandate for the city. Pastor Matthew Trewhella, leader of the…

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Glendale Election Newsletter

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Glendale Election Newsletter, Amanda Irene Seligman, 2020

The City of Glendale sent this guide to the upcoming elections out to residents. The eight-page newsletter includes dates of four future elections…

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Milwaukee County Scanner, Milwaukee Citywide Curfew Notice


Milwaukee County Scanner, Milwaukee Citywide Curfew Notice, May 30, 2020

The Milwaukee County Scanner Facebook page posted the Milwaukee Curfew notification confirmed by District 4 Police Department. The notification warns…

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Dameon Ellzey, Alderman Russell Stamper II Oral History

Dameon Ellzey, Alderman Russell Stamper II Oral History, May 18, 2020

Interview with Alderman Stamper II.

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Tom Barrett
, Comments Under Mayor Tom Barrett's Tweet


Tom Barrett
, Comments Under Mayor Tom Barrett's Tweet, May 13, 2020

These are comments from Milwaukeeans on Mayor Tom Barrett's regarding the continuance of the public health order issued on March 25, 2020. The…

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Waiting to Cast My Ballot

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Waiting to Cast My Ballot, Morry Gash, 2020

Despite the dangers of COVID-19, Milwaukee resident Vanessa Gassma has decided to exercise her civic duty. She waits patiently on a windowsill of…

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Tom Barrett, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett Plans to Reopen Buisnesses

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Tom Barrett, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett Plans to Reopen Buisnesses, May 16, 2020

Mayor Tom Barrett announces a plan to reopen Milwaukee, WI businesses entitled the Milwaukee Business Restart Program. This program uses federal…

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Order Restricting Sales in Some Businesses

COVID-19 Order Restricting Food and Beverage Sales.pdf

Order Restricting Sales in Some Businesses, March 17, 2020

The order of southeastern counties and cities to restrict food and beverage sales unless it is curbside only.

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Tom Barrett, Safer at Home Proclamation


Tom Barrett, Safer at Home Proclamation, March 25, 2020

The official proclamation from the mayor ordering safer at home.

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