WI Primary - Milwaukee

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WI Primary - Milwaukee


Lenore Burger


April 7, 2020

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This was at South Division High School in Milwaukee.

In case anyone is on the fence about voting, I wanted to share my experience this morning. I arrived right when the polls opened and the line was blocks long. However, we all waited outside and every single person respected social distancing. 85% or so of people were wearing masks. The line moved quickly. Once inside, I was given a large squirt of hand sanitizer and asked if I knew my ward. I did, but if I had not, they were looking them up for people. I was directed into the gymnasium and it was a bit surreal (see photo below), but I had zero anxiety about my safety.

When it was my turn, I walked to a desk when I was asked to show my ID. Just held it up. No one touched it. Rather than signing a book, a freshly printed piece of paper was slid across the desk. I was given a pen that was unused and instructed to keep it. I signed my paper and was directed to exit the gym. After a short wait, I was told to use a booth that was being wiped down (obviously instructed to wait until that was done). The booth was cleaned incredibly well. Absolutely no concern about that. I completed my ballot, slid it in the machine, done. Even with the blocks long line, it only took me about 40 minutes. There was no line by the time we left, so now may be a great time to go.

I would say that if you feel comfortable getting groceries or picking up essentials, you should feel even more comfortable about this process. Plus, this election is so important. The WI Supreme Court is why we have to do this today, so let's make sure we vote for someone more deserving.

So I am encouraging you all to get out and vote if your health allows it.




Lenore Burger 2020, WI Primary - Milwaukee