Browse Items (7 total)

COVID 19 Home Remedy

The home remedy used to combat the COVID-19 virus.

COVID 19 Home Remedy, Ifedayo Kehinde, Ifedayo Kehinde, 2020

Lemon, honey, ginger, hot water, and vitamin C are some of the things my folks back home advised me to be taking every morning and evening to ‘combat’…

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Michael Reno, Ending a Day of Seeking Healthcare in the Pandemic

A grey painted clinical corridor in front of the entrance to St Luke's Milwaukee's hospital Starbucks.

Michael Reno, Ending a Day of Seeking Healthcare in the Pandemic, 4/12/21

This hallway marks the last stop after treatment for me/ a hypothetical patient at St. Luke’s. That in-hospital Starbuck’s opened a few years ago…

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veggies 6 17 20.jpg

Veggies, Amanda Seligman, 2020

A sign at my Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) pickup site asks people coming to pickup their vegetables to take turns in the garage looking for…

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Milwaukee Public School Meal Distribution Plan

Screen Shot 2020-05-20 at 11.54.11 AM.png

Milwaukee Public School Meal Distribution Plan, Milwaukee Public Schools, 2020

With the COVID-19 Pandemic closing schools, many families who rely on the Milwaukee Public School system to provide meals for their children were…

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Blowing Out the Candles


Blowing Out the Candles, 2020

A family birthday celebration.

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Birthday Cake


Birthday Cake, Claire Neville, 2020

A quaint birthday cake.

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Friend leaving Kopp's Frozen Custard, Greenfield

Friend leaving Kopp's Frozen Custard, Greenfield, Oscar Harding, 2020

This video was taken in the earlier days of Milwaukee being on lockdown - it features a friend of mine leaving the Greenfield branch of Kopp's Custard…

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