Browse Items (2 total)

Michael Reno, "This Table is Sanitized"

Laminated notice that table its resting on is either Sanitized or in need of cleaning

Michael Reno, "This Table is Sanitized", 4/20/21

This is a laminated notice card placed on the tables in the hospital Starbucks. It's used as a sort of self notice card to hospital visitors, workers,…

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Michael Reno, Ending a Day of Seeking Healthcare in the Pandemic

A grey painted clinical corridor in front of the entrance to St Luke's Milwaukee's hospital Starbucks.

Michael Reno, Ending a Day of Seeking Healthcare in the Pandemic, 4/12/21

This hallway marks the last stop after treatment for me/ a hypothetical patient at St. Luke’s. That in-hospital Starbuck’s opened a few years ago…

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