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Milwaukee Public Schools, MPS COVID Test Notification

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Milwaukee Public Schools, MPS COVID Test Notification, May 4, 2021

When Milwaukee Public Schools reopened on April 14, 2021, their COVID procedures required that 10% of every school be randomly tested for COVID every…

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Milwaukee Public School Meal Distribution Plan

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Milwaukee Public School Meal Distribution Plan, Milwaukee Public Schools, 2020

With the COVID-19 Pandemic closing schools, many families who rely on the Milwaukee Public School system to provide meals for their children were…

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Frank Kalisik, Oral History with Tim Burdick, Student Teacher

Frank Kalisik, Oral History with Tim Burdick, Student Teacher, April 30, 2020

On April 30, 2020, Timothy Burdick a Student studying Secondary Education and History, discussed his experiences as a student at UW-Milwaukee, and as…

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