Browse Items (3 total)

u/swegmaster1, Water St. Last Night Looked Busier than I Had Ever Seen It Before...

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u/swegmaster1, Water St. Last Night Looked Busier than I Had Ever Seen It Before..., August 16, 2020

A reddit user shared that they saw Water St. and parts of Brady packed on a Saturday night with about half the people wearing masks. They also noted…

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Wonder Woman, Brady Street Crowds without Masks


Wonder Woman, Brady Street Crowds without Masks, July 27, 2020

A tweet with a photo of Brady Street at night with many people not wearing masks.

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u/rockerdude22_22, Brady St. Saves the Day

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u/rockerdude22_22, Brady St. Saves the Day, April 16, 2020

On weekends especially, the bars and restaurants on Brady St. are full of life with Milwaukee's younger population. This meme captures the fact that…

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