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Madison Medical, Madison Medical Affliates Newsletter
Madison Medical, Madison Medical Affliates Newsletter, March 2021
An employee newsletter from Madison Medical Affiliates containing news and reflections pertaining to the pandemic.
Tags: Document, Healthcare, Healthcare Workers, Newsletter, Public Health & Hospitals, Reflection
Madison Medical, Madison Medical Vaccine Clinics
Madison Medical, Madison Medical Vaccine Clinics, February 2021
In February, vaccines for the COVID-19 virus were made available to members of the 65+ population. As part of the rollout efforts for the vaccine,…
Tags: Ascension Healthcare, Public Health & Hospitals, Public Service Announcement, Vaccination, Website
Madison Medical Affiliates, Getting the Moderna Vaccine
Madison Medical Affiliates, Getting the Moderna Vaccine, January 11, 2021
This email was sent to confirm an appointment to receive the second dose of the Moderna mRNA vaccine. Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines required…
Tags: Document, Email, Healthcare, Public Health & Hospitals, Vaccination
Maeve Jackson, Canceled Exhibition Opening
Maeve Jackson, Canceled Exhibition Opening, March 18, 2020
An artist receives email of delay in opening of planned exhibition.
Tags: Art, Art Gallery, Business, Cancellation, Var Gallery
Mandela Barnes, Welcome to the Sh*t Show
Mandela Barnes, Welcome to the Sh*t Show, April 7, 2020
Wisconsin Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes's tweet as the polls opened in Wisconsin on April 7. Both Barnes and Governor Tony Evers had tried to postpone…
Tags: April 7 Primary Election, Politics, Tweet
Thank You Voters
Thank You Voters, Marc, 2020
A sign in Newberry BLVD encouraging the long line of voters winding through riverside park.
Tags: April 7 Primary Election, East Side Neighborhood, Lines, Municipal Government, Politics, Sign, Thank You
Marc Tasman, Digital Arts and Culture: Connecting to the Future
Marc Tasman, Digital Arts and Culture: Connecting to the Future, March 23, 2020
I was thinking about this interdisciplinary program that I coordinate, Digital Arts and Culture, and how it seems especially relevant. I wanted to…
Tags: Community, Distance Learning, Education--Universities, Text, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
State of Wisconsin Alert
State of Wisconsin Alert, Marc Tasman, 2020
Contains a brief alert in multiple languages for the Governor’s “Stay at Home” order. This was an emergency alert, similar to an Amber Alert, going…
Tags: State Government, Stay at Home Order, Text
Marc Tasman, City of Milwaukee Playgrounds Update
Marc Tasman, City of Milwaukee Playgrounds Update, March 24, 2020
A E-Notification for Bicycle and Pedestrian News describing that playgrounds are closed for the health of the community but the parks…
Tags: Closed Spaces, Municipal Government, Parks & Playgrounds, Politics, Writing
Murray Hill Neighborhood-Social Distancing
Murray Hill Neighborhood-Social Distancing, Marc Tasman, 2020
Friends and neighbors maintaining social distance in Murray Hill, the neighborhood south to the UW-Milwaukee campus. This is the 2700 block of Murray…
Tags: Friendship, Murray Hill Neighborhood, Photograph, Social Distance