Browse Items (8 total)

Ascension Healthcare, Ascension WI Administers COVID-19 Vaccine to Appleton Front-line Workers

press release.pdf

Ascension Healthcare, Ascension WI Administers COVID-19 Vaccine to Appleton Front-line Workers, December 17, 2020

In preparation for a broader launch of associate vaccine clinics, Ascension Wisconsin administered its first doses of the vaccine to frontline medical…

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Ascension Healthcare, Moderna, Vaccine FAQs

vaccine faqs.pdf

Ascension Healthcare, Moderna, Vaccine FAQs, December 2020

With the introduction of a new type of vaccine (mRNA) to combat the COVID-19 virus, many had questions about the safety and effectiveness of this new…

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Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Vaccine Eligibility

vaccine eligibility info.pdf

Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Vaccine Eligibility, February 2021

As more of the general population received the vaccine, new groups were made eligible to receive the vaccine. On March 1st, educators and other…

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Madison Medical, Madison Medical Vaccine Clinics

MMA employee website 2-12-21.pdf

Madison Medical, Madison Medical Vaccine Clinics, February 2021

In February, vaccines for the COVID-19 virus were made available to members of the 65+ population. As part of the rollout efforts for the vaccine,…

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Ascension Healthcare, Ascension Home Monitoring Release

Press Release.pdf

Ascension Healthcare, Ascension Home Monitoring Release, June 11, 2020

In June of 2020, Ascension began offering an at-home monitoring program for at-risk COVID patients who had been discharged from the hospital.

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Jill Berg, Vice President of Patient Care, Preparing for Civil Unrest

civil unrest.pdf

Jill Berg, Vice President of Patient Care, Preparing for Civil Unrest, November 2, 2020

An email from the Vice President of Patient Care at St. Francis Hospital laying out preparations for potential civil unrest in the wake of the 2020…

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Vanessa Freitag, Ascension Wisconsin VP, J & J Vaccine Pause

J & J suspended.pdf

Vanessa Freitag, Ascension Wisconsin VP, J & J Vaccine Pause, April 13, 2021

An email from Ascension Wisconsin leadership announcing a pause in administering the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

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Diet Lite's COVID-Free Approval

Diet Lite's COVID-Free Approval, Evan Marsalli, Kelson Kuzdas, Max Niemann, 2021

This item is a video that Diet Lite created to promote their new album, Seems To Be The Way It Tends To Go. The significance behind this video is that…

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