Safety and Sanitation

Beer at Brewery in Plastic Cups

Beer at brewery in plastic cups

"My wife and I stopped at Gathering Place Brewing Company this Friday of the outbreak…While I'm not sure what it accomplished, they switched to plastic cups instead of using glassware."
            -John Harry, March 13, 2020

One of the biggest concerns with bars and restaurants continuing to operate during the COVID-19 outbreak was the safety of their patrons and employees. Implementing new safety procedures, such as plastic cups and general reminders to people to wash their hands, were part of efforts to protect individuals. 

With that responsibility to protect those individuals at risk also came the heavy burden of what to do with staff and the possibility of employees being laid off or going without pay. After 1,400 people signed a petition, Colectivo Coffee acknowledged their employee's concerns about their safety and closed their cafes.  

While businesses and customers tried to adapt to the new circumstances, burdened with the responsibility to protect staff and customers, several establishments decided to get creative and add some lightness to the situation. Iconic Milwaukee figures such as the Ma statue in front of Ma Fischer's restaurant and Lakefront Brewery's Three Stooges sculptures donned their own face masks, subtly promoting health and safety and highlighting their efforts to do so. 

Safety and Sanitation