Before the Change

Night Before the Change

“It’s crazy how much has changed since Friday night. It will probably be my last time out and with friends for a while, my last time feeling somewhat in control.” 
             - Megan Kautz, March 18, 2020

The services that bars and restaurants provide extend beyond that of good food and drink. They arre outlets for socializing, celebration, or even just relieving stress. The social atmosphere of these establishments provided a space for communal gathering around Milwaukee, where memories could be made.

Then, almost overnight, everything changed. 

On Wednesday, March 25th, the ‘Safer at Home’ order was issued by Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, with the state entering a period of lockdown. However, even before the order went into effect, people and businesses in Milwaukee were preparing for the disruption of their daily routines and overall lifestyle as the pandemic began to take hold across the US.

With the establishment of social distancing and banning of large gatherings, local bars and restaurants began to comprehend the challenges that faced not only for their business, but additionally for the customers that they serve, and their staff. Could they remain open, and if so, how? How could they keep staff and customers safe? Not only was their physical wellbeing at risk, but their places of work were under significant financial threat. 

With each passing day, the loss of control over the situation seemed dire. Yet, local Milwaukee bars and restaurants adapted to the new "normal." 

Last Time in Control

Megan Kautz - Last Time in Control
