Theater's Adaption to COVID Inspires Increased Connections

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Theater's Adaption to COVID Inspires Increased Connections


Performing arts in and around the Milwaukee and University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee area.


Similarly to modern local and public history, the roots of theater are founded in their successful representativeness of different societies; theater, throughout various periods in history, has been deemed successful or not based on the relationships formed with audiences, and Milwaukee theater has found unique and compelling ways to integrate the audience into the performances. The performing arts organizations such as UWM's Opera Theater or the children's theater FirstStage have beautifully meshed authentic moments of human emotion, experiences, and frustration that we all seem to have encountered during this pandemic. These events and performances from Milwaukee area theater have enabled for us to internalize in a unique fashion COVID-19 living, a way to empathize with our neighbors, distracted us from the now required mundane, and illustrated the connections that we can foster and embrace by coming together virtually.


Lori Martello


Lori Martello

Collection Items

"UNMUTED"A Virtual Play Written by Alvaro Saar Rios
Written by UW-Milwaukee Theater Professor Alvaro Rios, this virtual play illustrates the emotions, frustration, and even connections made in a virtual gym class. When the substitute gym teacher is kicked out of the Zoom Room of a virtual gym class,…

Masks and An Italian Opera,  the UWM Opera Theater and Symphony Orchestra  Triumph with "Le Nozze di Figaro"
On April 9th and 10th, 2021, the students in the UWM Opera and Orchestra Symphony performed "Le Nozze di Figaro," a comedic opera originally composed by Wolfgang Mozart. The title translates from Italian to English as "The Marriage of Figaro," and…

"Le Nozze di Figaro," A Powerfully Masked Performance
This Instagram post by the UWM Opera Theater and photo by Kaleigh Rae Photography documents a beautiful moment during the April 9th performance of "Le Nozze di Figaro," that was virtually streamable through the UWM Peck School of the Arts. The…

"Dancing Through Milwaukee" During COVID-19
With the hashtag Save Our Stage (#saveourstage), videographer Timothy O'Donnell follows Milwaukee Ballet dancer Itzel Hernandez as she dances through the streets of downtown Milwaukee in a blue tutu and mask. This video demonstrates the various…

A Masked Performance? No Problem for the UWM Opera Theater
Soprano for the UWM Opera Theater, Isabel Mancl had a powerful performance in the UWM production of "Le Nozze di Figaro" that streamed virtually April 9th and 10th of 2021 during the COVID -19 pandemic. In her own words, Isabel recalls the…

Social Distance Rehearsal for UWM's "Le Nozze di Figaro"
UWM's Opera Theater has an active Instagram page that helps to illustrate the ways in which the university, staff, performers, musicians, etc. were adapting to everyday events during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this photo/post, one sees the distance…

"From Our Home To Yours," The MKE Symphony Orchestra's Virtual Performance of "Nimrod"
An enchanting and virtual performance by the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra was made public for anyone, symphony fanatic or not, to enjoy the sounds of "Nimrod," by Edward Elgar. The performance was on Variations on an Original Theme Enigma, Op. 36…

UPAF's Ride For the Arts Event
Your Path. Your Pace. Your Reward. This is the slogan the Milwaukee UPAF (United Performing Arts Fund) is using for their June 2021 Ride For the Arts Series wherein individuals, teams, companies, etc. could raise donations by participating in a…

"UNMUTED" The Play Interview: Relatability & Visibility
In this interview, the origins, the challenges, and the conversations that took place during the production of "UNMUTED" are discussed with the play's playwright, Alvaro Saar Rios, the digital content manager for FirstStage, Antonio Davis, Allie…

Oral History Interview with UWM Theater Professor and Playwright Alvaro Rios
Professor Alvaro Saar Rios has been working in and around not only the Milwaukee/UWM area but also his plays and theater company have been successful in Illinois, Texas, Michigan, etc., at universities and theaters. Almost immediately in this…
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