Oral History Interview with UWM Theater Professor and Playwright Alvaro Rios

Dublin Core


Oral History Interview with UWM Theater Professor and Playwright Alvaro Rios


Professor Alvaro Saar Rios has been working in and around not only the Milwaukee/UWM area but also his plays and theater company have been successful in Illinois, Texas, Michigan, etc., at universities and theaters. Almost immediately in this interview, it is abundantly clear Professor Rios (and his wife Michelle Lopez - Rios, a director, writer, actress, and playwright) acknowledge and emphasize the upmost importance community relations are to a successful theatrical production that wishes to fosters deep connections within a community, the theater world, and among individuals. As Professor Rios explains that when he and his wife came to Milwaukee, community workshops are where they began to build what Rios states to be the most important aspect in theater that wishes to work with a community and for a community, and that is trust. Professor Rios discusses the adaptability of theater during the times of COVID-19 such as ZOOM theater and the absolute good that can come from making theater accessible via the internet and streaming services. In his experience writing theater during a pandemic, Professor Rios discussed both challenges and triumphs that occurred while working with other theater professionals that were on different sides of the country as well as configuring a virtual musical that required a great deal of communication and dedication. In the discussion about theater and its role during and after COVID-19, Professor Rios concludes that theater should not return to business as normal, pre COVID-19; a successful play that truly and honestly represents a community, theater should prioritize relationship building in every production. As he states, theater should focus on what it can give to the community, what it can leave the community with as well, and after this pandemic, he believes that trust will be the absolutely paramount in theater that wishes to depict accurate and honest stories surrounding COVID-19.


Lori Martello


May 11, 2021


Lori Martello



Lori Martello, Oral History Interview with UWM Theater Professor and Playwright Alvaro Rios, May 11, 2021