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The Evergreen

The Evergreen, A Northern Seasonal
Lawnmarket, Edinburgh: Patrick Geddes & Colleagues; London: T. Fisher Unwin; Philadelphia: J. N. Lippincott. Four Volumes: Spring 1895; Autumn 1895; Summer 1895-96; and Winter 1896-1897.
Originally on loan from the collection of William F. Halloran

This set, bound in leather, was the property of Lady Mears, daughter of Edinburgh publisher Patrick Geddes, who presented it to its current owner William F. Halloran in Edinburgh in August 1963.

Published by Patrick Geddes and Colleagues, with William Sharp as its editor, The Evergreen was the principal organ of the Celtic movement in Scotland. Fiona Macleod and Edith Rinder contributed to The Evergreen, but it also provided a vehicle for many Scottish writers and artists of the 1890s. Proponents of internationalism and pan-Celticism, Geddes and Sharp included several works by Irish writers. According to a Yeats letter to Sharp of September 4, 1896, Sharp or Geddes had asked Yeats to contribute a poem to the next issue of The Evergreen. Yeats had no poem to send, and he is not represented in the four issues.