Oral History - COVID Experience of College Student Kelsey Zange

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Oral History - COVID Experience of College Student Kelsey Zange


Intertview reagarding the experience of the Pandemic with college senior Kelsey Zange


In this interview we talk about the experience of college senior Kelsey Zange during covid 19. Kelsey is a senior in History at UWM. She initially lived with two other roommates and moved out to live on her own during the late summer and the rest of the year. She continued to work as a hostess at a local Tai restaurant throughout the entire pandemic, she also taught a fitness class through UWM both virtually and in person as time progressed. We explored her leisure time and although it did not include bikes, it did include countless walks, puzzles, and trying out new trends from social media. She was born and raised in Illinois and did not return home when the pandemic hit, so we talk about the weirdness of not visiting family and when it was done it was in a reduced situation. We talk about some struggles that she had with virtual school and attempting to keep productive while still remaining in a positive headspace in the crazy situation that we have been faced with during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Aaron Meyer


Aaron Meyer


April 12, 2021


Aaron Meyer

Oral History Item Type Metadata


39 minutes 14 seconds


Aaron Meyer


Kelsey Zange


Aaron's Home



Aaron Meyer, Oral History - COVID Experience of College Student Kelsey Zange, Aaron Meyer, April 12, 2021