Pasta Aglio Olio

Dublin Core


Pasta Aglio Olio


This photo is a picture of homemade pasta aglio olio. This pasta is a simple but very tasty recipe that has a lot of flavor with minimal ingredients. Cooking and baking were hobbies that many people picked up during the pandemic, with many restaurants closing or doing take out only. Cooking videos became the primary source of entertainment in some households and many new recipes were attempting to pass the time and to give that sense of normality and nice cooking. IT was also a way for different members of the family to contribute and spend time together away from screens and share in what they made after. This was a treat made after a long day at work made with family. Budgeting was also a theme throughout the pandemic with many facing employment issues and this was a budget friendly dish with just a few and served many people with it.


Aaron Meyer


Aaron Meyer


Aaron Meyer


June 2, 2020


Aaron Meyer


A picture of pasta in a bowl. This pasta is pasta agli o olio with parsley and garlic mixed in


Pasta Aglio Olio, Aaron Meyer, Aaron Meyer, 2020