Bikes are the new toilet paper t-shirt design

Dublin Core


Bikes are the new toilet paper t-shirt design


Bikes are the new toilet paper. This was the quote bikeshop employees were hearing across the country. With a shortage of bikes being forecasted early on into the summer many people rushed to get whatever bike they could that was within their size often with cost as an afterthought. This saying became used on the news and eventually made it onto t-shirts like those pictured in the image. Life is good is a company that makes t-shirts with hundreds of fun pictures and sayings on them and this was one saying that they adopted. While this shirt is just a fun one that the company put out it was a theme relating to the rush on bikes that was experienced in the summer and the industry is not projected to catch up with until sometime in 2022


Life is Good


Life is Good - Company


Life is Good


March 5th 2021


Aaron Meyer

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An example of a t-shirt design created by the company life is good. This design has a bike in the center with the words Bikes are the new toilet paper around it


Bikes are the new toilet paper t-shirt design,, March 5th 2021