Peter Stetina, Backcoutry Bike Challenge Event Map, Aaron Meyer, March 31, 2021
Tags: Bikepacking, Bikes, Instagram, Mountain Bike, Social Media
UWMOperaTheater, Social Distance Rehearsal for UWM's "Le Nozze di Figaro", March 1
UWM's Opera Theater has an active Instagram page that helps to illustrate the ways in which the university, staff, performers, musicians, etc. were…
Tags: Instagram, Masks, Performing Arts, Practice, Social Distance, Social Media, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, UWM Opera Theater
Bobby Wintle, The Incredibly Socially Distant MidSouth, @MidsouthGravel, 03/08/21
In this post the host of the Midsouth gravel race published the full description of their official routes. Traditionally this race would take place in…
Tags: Bikes, Incredibly Socially Distant, Instagram, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Social Media
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