Browse Items (5 total)

Elizabeth M. Loomer, A Conversation with Jess: An Oral History

Elizabeth M. Loomer, A Conversation with Jess: An Oral History

We as humans are not just one thing. Through our lives we may fill many roles sometime simultaneously. The COVID-19 Pandemic has provided some a time…

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Open Air Adventures

Open Air Adventures: Family exploring National Parks due to virtual learning and attempts to get outside.

Open Air Adventures, Elizabeth M. Loomer

Even with everything that has been going on with the pandemic there are some positives that have been found and appreciated in the chaos. Did you know…

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Determination Rewarded

Determination Rewarded: Family selfie on the couch including the dog proud of Mom receiving  a Determination Award.

Determination Rewarded, Elizabeth M. Loomer

This pandemic has been a struggle for many people. Along the way there have been moments of joy and reward. A non-traditional student is just one of…

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Through The Looking Glass


Through The Looking Glass, Mya Gartland, August 9th, 2020 - About 6 Months Into Pandemic

This is my grandma, recently diagnosed with dementia, shortly before COVID struck, and placed in a local care facility 10 minutes from where I live.…

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Visiting Aunt Marilyn

Aunt Marilyn.jpg

Visiting Aunt Marilyn, My cousin Jeff Arvoy and his family, 2020

This photo was taken by my cousin Jeff Arvoy who was visiting his mother, also my Great Aunt Marilyn, at her assisted living facility in Grafton,…

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