Browse Items (2 total)

Sacrifice Now, So They Don't Have To (in Hmong and English)

A painting of a man wearing a mask, handing a young child a mask to wear.  The older man is thinking about the graduation, prom, and in-person learning he was denied so that the younger person may stay safe.

Sacrifice Now, So They Don't Have To (in Hmong and English), Chong Lee, Creative Health Collective, 2020

The creator of this piece, Chong Lee is a recent high school graduate, and a member of Milwaukee’s Hmong community. Lee’s goal in creating was to…

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Self-Care for Them

A digital painting of an elderly person sitting on a hospital bed, looking at the view, whose reflection opaquely looks back at the elder.

Self-Care for Them, Chong Lee, Creative Health Collective, 2020

The creator of this piece, Chong Lee is a recent high school graduate, and a member of Milwaukee’s Hmong community. Lee’s goal in creating was to…

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