Browse Items (33 total)

Jewish Museum Milwaukee, "Museum Moment": Joseph Friebert

JMM Museum Moment Joseph Friebert 05 15 2020.jpeg.jpg

Jewish Museum Milwaukee, "Museum Moment": Joseph Friebert, May 15, 2020

The Jewish Museum Milwaukee brings its collection and stories to the Milwaukee community three times weekly during the pandemic with "Museum Moments"…

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Daniel L Koehler, "Museum Moment": Golda Meir. Part 1

JMM Museum Moment Golda Meir Part 1 of 3.jpg

Daniel L Koehler, "Museum Moment": Golda Meir. Part 1, April 28, 2020

The Jewish Museum Milwaukee brings its collection and stories to the Milwaukee community three times weekly during the pandemic with "Museum Moments"…

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Jewish Museum Milwaukee, "Museum Moment": The Chagall Tapestry

JMM Museum Moment The Chagall Tapestry.jpg

Jewish Museum Milwaukee, "Museum Moment": The Chagall Tapestry, May 8, 2020

The Jewish Museum Milwaukee brings its collection and stories to the Milwaukee community three times weekly during the pandemic with "Museum Moments"…

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6th Grade Schedule

Manke_ 4_13-4_17 6th Grade Schedule.pdf

6th Grade Schedule

Each week students at Lake Bluff Elementary get a new schedule of work to complete. They also shifted from voluntary to mandatory work to maintain…

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7th grader mask

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7th grader mask, Amanda Seligman, 2020

I found this photo in my Facebook Memories this morning. Here is the text of the post I wrote to go with it: "My daughter made a mask for one of her…

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Frank Kalisik, A Displaced Student

Brianna Quade, A Slight Change in Scenery

Bilingual Homeschooling


Bilingual Homeschooling, Bianca S., 2020

Bianca, a parent of two, one of which is enrolled at Hayes Bilingual School has shifted how her children learn both Spanish and English. Hayes created…

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Chance the Rapper, Chance the Rapper's Twlight Awards

Chance the Rapper, Chance the Rapper's Twlight Awards

Chance the Rapper announced on Instagram that in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week he would be awarding select teachers to win prizes.

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Marc Tasman, Digital Arts and Culture: Connecting to the Future

Digital Arts and Culture- Connecting to the Future .pdf

Marc Tasman, Digital Arts and Culture: Connecting to the Future, March 23, 2020

I was thinking about this interdisciplinary program that I coordinate, Digital Arts and Culture, and how it seems especially relevant. I wanted to…

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