Browse Items (31 total)

Work Order

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Work Order, Leanne Klawien, 2020

This was an email I received from the Greenfield Health Department to give to my place of employment to notify them that I wasn't able to return to…

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UWM Vaccine Eligibility Email

An email from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee stating that students are now eligible to take the vaccine.

UWM Vaccine Eligibility Email, Ifedayo Kehinde, Ifedayo Kehinde, 2021

I was super excited when the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee sent an email that all students can now receive the COVID-19 vaccine. When I shared…

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UWM, Alexis Ingebretson, UWM University Housing Email Notifying the Closing of University Housing

Screenshot of email sent to UWM University students regarding the closing of university housing

UWM, Alexis Ingebretson, UWM University Housing Email Notifying the Closing of University Housing, March 2020

An email from UWM Housing regarding the closing of university housing sent one week after the email stating that housing would not be closing.


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UWM, Alexis Ingebretsen, UWM Notification of CARES Act

Screenshot of email from UWM regarding financial aid through federal CARES Act

UWM, Alexis Ingebretsen, UWM Notification of CARES Act, Spring 2020

An email from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee sent to students regarding applying for student financial aid through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and…

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UWM COVID Vaccine update

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UWM COVID Vaccine update, Ifedayo Kehinde, 2021

Considering how many of us have been able to survive the pandemic. It is refreshing to see the rollout of the COVID vaccines and how they are helping…

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Ascension Healthcare, Staffing Vaccination Sites

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Ascension Healthcare, Staffing Vaccination Sites, December 22, 2020

As the vaccine rollout began, Ascension Healthcare rapidly expanded its number of clinics. The following is an urgent staffing request for both…

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Jill Berg, Vice President of Patient Care, Staffing at St. Francis

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Jill Berg, Vice President of Patient Care, Staffing at St. Francis, October 26, 2020

An email from the Vice President of Patient Care about staffing at St. Francis Hospital

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STFH Union, St. Francis Union Member Update

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STFH Union, St. Francis Union Member Update, July 2020

An update from the healthcare workers Union at St. Francis Hospital, covering staffing, pay, and concerns with better safety practices in light of the…

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Jill Berg, Vice President of Patient Care, St. Francis Hospital Update

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Jill Berg, Vice President of Patient Care, St. Francis Hospital Update, October 9, 2020

An email to the staff of St. Francis Hospital. At the time of this email, many hospitals were short-staffed. This email reflects those conditions…

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Ascension Healthcare, Reintroducing Services

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Ascension Healthcare, Reintroducing Services, May 2020

After an initial shutdown in response to the beginning of the COVID pandemic, Ascension began to reintroduce ambulatory care and other non-emergency…

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