UWM Notification of CARES Act

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UWM Notification of CARES Act


An email from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee sent to students regarding applying for student financial aid through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act scent in the Spring of 2020. This email shows the recipient qualifying for $950 worth of aid.

“Never in my life has a university willingly given me money. They always take more than necessary. The fact that I qualified for the cares grant and received $950 was a foreign feeling to me. This cares grant assisted me in paying for a hotel room and gas while moving out of my apartment they [University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee housing] kicked me out of. My home is located about 8 1/2 hours away from the university, so it wasn't an easy move. The remaining money I used to help pay for my summer classes that were supposed to be in person, but I had to take them online back home.”


UWM, Alexis Ingebretsen


Spring 2020


Emily N. Demler

Email Item Type Metadata

Email Body

May 19, 2020

Dear Student,

The federal government has provided grant funding for eligible students through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. All Federal Pell Grant recipients, as well as all applications submitted by the priority deadline, Tuesday, May 12, 2020, have been considered for this funding.
We are happy to tell you that you have been approved to receive assitance through the CARES Emergency Grant. Based on the number of eligible students, you will be receiving $950. These funds are being sent in the form of a check to your PAWS mailing address this week. You are encouraged to use the funds for any expenses you are struggling with, but primarily those related to the disruption of university operations due to the coronavirus.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, they can be emailed to cares-grant@uwm.edu.


All UWM University Housing Students


UWM University Housing


Screenshot of email from UWM regarding financial aid through federal CARES Act


UWM, Alexis Ingebretsen, UWM Notification of CARES Act, Spring 2020