David Zeh, Audio of the Oral History conducted with the alternative rock band Diet Lite, May 4, 2021
This audio contains profane language. This is an oral history I had conducted with the members of Diet Lite, an alternative rock band that is based in…
This item is a video that Diet Lite created to promote their new album, Seems To Be The Way It Tends To Go. The significance behind this video is that…
Concert and Event Calendar from the Rave, https://www.therave.com/covid.asp, March 2020
This item features the concerts and events that were scheduled at the Rave for 2020 but were all canceled or rescheduled due to the pandemic. The Rave…
Aaron Krebsbach and Joe, Oral History Interview Joe, a Manager at a Retailer, April 25, 2021
This is an interview conducted with Joe, who is a manager at a retailer, on what the pandemic has been like for him personally and working in a retail…