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Prospect Ave 1:17pm St. Patrick’s Day


Prospect Ave 1:17pm St. Patrick’s Day, Lisa Idarraga, 2020

While going for a walk I crossed Prospect Avenue in the middle of the workday and was struck at how I could stand in the middle of a normally busy…

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Lisa Benson, Chief Medical Officer Ascension Wisconsin, Ascension Employee Testing

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Lisa Benson, Chief Medical Officer Ascension Wisconsin, Ascension Employee Testing, October 29, 2020

With COVID cases rises, this email from the Chief Medical Officer of Ascension Wisconsin details new testing procedures for hospital staff.

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Linn Chapel, Perfect COVID-19 Sport Meme

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Linn Chapel, Perfect COVID-19 Sport Meme, May 8, 2020

Fencing the the perfect COVID-19 sport because you technically wear Personal Protective Equipment; you wear masks, gloves, and if anyone gets too…

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Bikes are the new toilet paper t-shirt design

An example of a t-shirt design created by the company life is good. This design has a bike in the center with the words Bikes are the new toilet paper around it

Bikes are the new toilet paper t-shirt design,, March 5th 2021

Bikes are the new toilet paper. This was the quote bikeshop employees were hearing across the country. With a shortage of bikes being forecasted early…

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Lenore Burger, WI Primary - Milwaukee

Lee Wagner, City of Milwaukee Thank You Letter to Lee Wagner

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Lee Wagner, City of Milwaukee Thank You Letter to Lee Wagner, May 13, 2020

The city of Milwaukee sent a thank you letter to poll workers. This is the thank you letter for Lee Wagner who was interviewed for this archive.

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Lee Wagner-April 7 Milwaukee Poll Worker and Public Health guard

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Lee Wagner-April 7 Milwaukee Poll Worker and Public Health guard, Lee Wagner, 2020

At the polling place where Lee was assigned, a contingent of public health workers were dispatched to assist as a public health safety measure.

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Work Order

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Work Order, Leanne Klawien, 2020

This was an email I received from the Greenfield Health Department to give to my place of employment to notify them that I wasn't able to return to…

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Miller Park


Miller Park, Lauren Simmons, 2020

I was supposed to complete a St. Patrick's Day beer run/walk with friends this day, and I love Brewers' baseball. In light of COVID-19, the run was…

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Lauren Justice, From the New York Times, "Wisconsin Primary Recap: Voters Forced to Choose Between Their Health and Their Civic Duty"

Lauren Justice, From the New York Times, "Wisconsin Primary Recap: Voters Forced to Choose Between Their Health and Their Civic Duty", April 7, 2020

This is the story recounting the election from the New York Times. I thought it would be interesting to include given the global readership of this…

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