Browse Items (57 total)

Ascension Wisconsin, Email Alerting Employees of Emergency Order #34

gov. proclamation.pdf

Ascension Wisconsin, Email Alerting Employees of Emergency Order #34, April 27, 2020

An email sent to Ascension employees outlining the details of the Emergency Order, which expanded nonessential businesses operations including the…

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Glendale Election Newsletter

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Glendale Election Newsletter, Amanda Irene Seligman, 2020

The City of Glendale sent this guide to the upcoming elections out to residents. The eight-page newsletter includes dates of four future elections…

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Mandela Barnes, Welcome to the Sh*t Show

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Mandela Barnes, Welcome to the Sh*t Show, April 7, 2020

Wisconsin Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes's tweet as the polls opened in Wisconsin on April 7. Both Barnes and Governor Tony Evers had tried to postpone…

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Fox6News, Jill Sarkosky Reaction

Fox6News, Jill Sarkosky Reaction, April 13, 2020

This is a news report that captures the reaction of newly elected Jill Karofsky to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court, a result of the April 7th…

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Absentee Ballot Voting Report for April 7 Wisconsin Election

April 2020 Absentee Voting Report.pdf

Absentee Ballot Voting Report for April 7 Wisconsin Election, May 18, 2020

This is the full report for the Wisconsin Elections Commission that looks at the way absentee ballots were treated for the April 7th election.

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Press Release Analysis of Absentee Voting for the April 7 Election

Press Release_WEC Releases Absentee Voting Report for Spring Election 05-18-2020.pdf

Press Release Analysis of Absentee Voting for the April 7 Election, May 18, 2020

This is a press release from the Wisconsin Elections Commission announcing that it will soon release to the public a thorough report of the analysis…

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Dameon Ellzey, Alderman Russell Stamper II Oral History

Dameon Ellzey, Alderman Russell Stamper II Oral History, May 18, 2020

Interview with Alderman Stamper II.

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Tom Barrett
, Comments Under Mayor Tom Barrett's Tweet


Tom Barrett
, Comments Under Mayor Tom Barrett's Tweet, May 13, 2020

These are comments from Milwaukeeans on Mayor Tom Barrett's regarding the continuance of the public health order issued on March 25, 2020. The…

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Kitonga Alexander, Oral History with Mack Bates

Kitonga Alexander, Oral History with Mack Bates, April 22, 2020

The experience of COVID-19 has varied for individuals. Some have questioned the severity of the virus and if preventative methods are appropriate or…

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Waiting to Cast My Ballot

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Waiting to Cast My Ballot, Morry Gash, 2020

Despite the dangers of COVID-19, Milwaukee resident Vanessa Gassma has decided to exercise her civic duty. She waits patiently on a windowsill of…

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