Muriel Marseille, Interview with Lee Wagner, Poll Volunteer for the April 7th Milwaukee vote, May 7, 2020
In this video, Lee Wagner is interviewed. She shares her experience as a poll worker on the April 7, 2020 election in Milwaukee.
Tags: April 7 Primary Election, Interview, Oral History, Video
Muriel Marseille, Interview with Patricia McKnight, UWM Senior, and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel photographer-LTE, May 8, 2020
After seeing the picture first on national news, I was eager to contact the photographer and ask her about her experience voting in the April 7, 2020…
Tags: April 7 Primary Election, Interview, Oral History, Photographer, Video
Muriel Marseille, Map of Polling Places in Milwaukee
This map is being made for Dr. Cantwell's COVID-19 archive. I created the map to show how scandalous the election was. The map tells the story…
Tags: April 7 Primary Election, Map, Meme
Virtual Spirit Week, Nicole A.
While everyone is in quarantine, Milwaukee French Immersion School is still keeping school spirit high and continuing their Spirit Week traditions.…
Tags: Distance Learning, Education--K12, Home & Family Life, Milwaukee French Immersion School, Photograph, Virtual Spirit Week
Daily Uniform, Nicole Muccio, 2020
Nicole Muccio, RN shares a selfie of herself in her daily uniform. Nicole is wearing a face mask and goggles during her shift at Froedtert Hospital…
Tags: Froedtert Hospital, Health & Wellness, Healthcare, Healthcare Workers, Labor, Nurse, Personal Protective Equipment, Selfie, Uniform, Wauwatosa WI
Office of Gov. Evers, Gov. Evers Directs DHS to Issue Safer at Home Order, March 24, 2020
This is the official press release from the office of Governor Evers stating that he has placed the state of Wisconsin under the "safer at home"…
Tags: Essential Workers, Governor Evers, Healthcare, Safer at Home, State Government
Olivia Hoff, GatoCity Properties, Letter to Tenants, March 30, 2020
GatoCity Properties sent out this letter as an email to all of their tenants. This letter discusses GatoCity's health and safety practices at their…
Tags: Apartment Tenants, Document, East Side Neighborhood, Rent, Social Distance, Stay at Home, Working from Home
Olivia Hoff, Overpass Light Brigade, "Supreme Injustice", April 6, 2020
The Overpass Light Brigade posted this photo to Instagram with illuminated words "Supreme Injustice." In the caption of the photo, the organizers…
Tags: April 7 Primary Election, Municipal Government, Overpass Light Brigade, Politics, Sign, Social Distance, Social Media
"Thank You" Card to Health Care Workers, Olivia Hoff, 2020
Pictured is a "Thank You" card to healthcare workers. My mom and I decided that we wanted to thank our friends and family in the healthcare field…
Tags: Art, Drawing, East Side Neighborhood, Froedtert Hospital, Healthcare, Nurse, Photograph, Technology, Thank You
Homemade Mask, Olivia Hoff, 2020
I made this mask at home with a bandanna and two hair ties. I am not talented with a needle and thread, so I thought a homemade mask was not for me.…
Tags: East Side Neighborhood, Face Mask, Grocery Store, Health & Wellness, Photograph, Stay at Home
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