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MKEMATU, #CancelRent

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MKEMATU, #CancelRent, May 1, 2020

#CancelRent projected on City Hall in Milwaukee. The hashtag has been seen throughout the city projected on buildings, written on signs, and…

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Olivia Hoff, GatoCity Properties, Letter to Tenants


Olivia Hoff, GatoCity Properties, Letter to Tenants, March 30, 2020

GatoCity Properties sent out this letter as an email to all of their tenants. This letter discusses GatoCity's health and safety practices at their…

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Muriel Hogan, Landlord John Zutz Gives Tenants a Rent Break

Screenshot_2020-03-23 Landlord decreases rent to $100 during coronavirus pandemic.jpg

Muriel Hogan 2020, Landlord John Zutz Gives Tenants a Rent Break

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