Governor Tony Evers, Twitter Conversation about Mask Mandate, August 1, 2020
Governor Tony Evers tweeted the decision for a statewide mask mandate and stated that science and health experts guided his decision. Several people…
Tags: Face Mask, Governor Evers, Politics, Public Health & Hospitals, Public Opinion, State Government
Washington Post, Wisconsin Governor Orders Election Delay Citing Public Health Concerns, April 6, 2020
This post was published the day before the election and provides some context for the April 7, 2020 election. It details the preparation efforts…
Tags: April 7 Primary Election, Governor Evers, Newspaper Article, Politics, State Government
Office of Gov. Evers, Gov. Evers Directs DHS to Issue Safer at Home Order, March 24, 2020
This is the official press release from the office of Governor Evers stating that he has placed the state of Wisconsin under the "safer at home"…
Tags: Essential Workers, Governor Evers, Healthcare, Safer at Home, State Government
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