Supreme Court Ruling and Responses

We’ve Been Here Before

Alderman Stamper Responds to the Wisconsin Superme Court.

Supreme Court Ruling Regarding the Election on April 7th, 2020

The Wisconsin Supreme Court's Order on the April Election.

This action led by state republicans caused a huge riff in local politics as well. Most local officials believing to force a constituent to choose between their civic and essentially their lives was the highest form of voter suppression. Alderman Stamper II who has stated earlier represents a district that is over 90% African American and one the hardest hit by the spread of Covid 19 was outraged. In a press release released the day of the spring election he voiced a concern that spoke to how most people felt at that time. In it Alderman Stamper II states

Our community has been ravaged by the COVID -19 pandemic. We have been told to practice social distancing and to stay home if at all possible, yet the state legislature and judicial leaders have seen fit to attempt to force us to disregard all this.” He later states when speaking of the voter suppression he feared would take place that “ There will be no dogs outside the polling places, no angry men with hoses, and no armed police blocking our path. It will be fear, a fear easily avoided if our state officials were not hell bent on voter suppression.” 

Alderwoman Coggs Raises Key Questions Ahead of Tuesday’s Election

Alderwoman Coggs responds to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Ruling and Responses