Safer at home order

In the Governor's Safer at Home order it is clearly explained why the decision was altered so quickly. “WHEREAS," the proclamation beigns, "as of March 23, 2020, within the past 72 hours, positive COVID-19 cases have risen in the United States from 15,219 to 33,404 (119% increase) and have risen in Wisconsin from 206 to 416 (102% increase). Five Wisconsinites have passed away as a result of COVID-19. Public health officials estimate that the actual number of Wisconsinites infected with COVID-19 is significantly higher and likely present in every county in the state." A proclamation by Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett quickly followed.

However, while the need for the Governor's order was clear, it's implication were more complicated. Included here is a letter Alderman Russell Stamper II sent to the mayor asking for clarification on how the city would handle the pandemic.

Questions About COVID-19 from a Constituent of Alderman Russell Stamper II

Aldernman Russell Stamper II asks the Mayor how the city will handle the pandemic.

Safer at Home Order