Browse Exhibits (22 total)

Light in a Dark Place


Pets can bring so much light in such a dark place. During this difficult time it is so important to be mindful of your mental health and always remember that your pets will be there no matter what!

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Streets of Milwaukee


During the Safer at Home order, all people except for essential workers are advised to stay at home unless absolutely necessary. Currently, I work as a DoorDash driver, classified as essential. As I drove from destination to destination, I documented the streets of Milwaukee as I saw. Mostly desolate, the scenery proved quite beautiful. 


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Cocktails for Quarantine

April 22, 2020. Monkey Gland.

A selection of daily cocktails from the first 50 days (and counting) of the pandemic, since March 14, 2020, (day 1).

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Distance Learning During Quarantine


On March 24, 2020, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers signed the “Safer at Home” executive order due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The order expressed that “public and private K-12 schools are closed for pupil instruction.” Higher Education in Wisconsin was also mandated to transition to online education. Only travel to return home or to gather materials for distance learning were allowed under the order. For the first time in history, education around the country transitioned online. This exhibit explores how students and teachers experienced this shift.

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Race and Resiliency

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This Exhibit highlights the African American experience during the era of COVID-19.

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Healthcare in a Time of Crisis


In this exhibit we examine the frontline experience of nurses, the need for face masks, the civilian experience at home, and the ways community memebers have thanked their healthcare workers. 

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I Assure You, We're Open


This exhibit explores how Milwaukee's bars and restaurants have reacted, adapted, endured and evolved in the lead-up to Governor Evers' "Safer At Home" order, and following its being struck down by the state supreme court.

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Safer at Home in the House of God

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Like many institutions, places of worship were forced to close their doors during the pandemic. This exhibit explores how two religious communities--one Protestant, one Catholic--stayed safer at home in the house of God.

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Milwaukee Museums Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Wisconsin's "Safer at Home" order not only shut down businesses, it also instructed cultural institutions like museums to close as well. This exhibit exlores how these instititons experienced the pandemic and worked to bring people into their community even when their doors were closed.

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Politics as Unusual

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This exhibit focuses on the city of Milwaukee and the way its governing branches--the Common Council and the Mayors office--have dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic. Via a series of press releases, internal communications, and the actual language in proclamations adopted by these legislative bodies you will get a sense of the tumultuous nature of politics during this pandemic. Every 24 hours a new cycle would begin and with it could come a new ruling, a new policy, a new piece of legislation or new data that could alter or completely change everything done in the previous 24 hours. That has become the world we live in where uncertainty and the anxiety it develops rules the day, politics has not been spared this. 
