Browse Exhibits (3 total)
Life as it is Now

For this project, I took pictures of the places I used to visit before the quarantine happened. Most places like the mall, restaurants, and the UWM campus were obviously closed and empty; the images were very impactful to see and odd to take. Overall, these pictures are a representation of my daily life and other Milwaukee residents’ lives during the stay at home order. I hope that these images can be used as documentation when looking back at what life was like during the pandemic.
Nowhere to Play

Playgrounds have been blocked off using bright yellow caution tape to keep children from playing on them due to Wisconsin’s Safer at Home order during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the caution tape protects children from spreading and contracting the virus, it gives the generally joyful and youthful space the eerie feeling of a crime scene. COVID-19 has turned some of the busiest communities into ghost towns, and the taped off playgrounds add yet another haunting layer to the devastating effects of the pandemic.
I Assure You, We're Open

This exhibit explores how Milwaukee's bars and restaurants have reacted, adapted, endured and evolved in the lead-up to Governor Evers' "Safer At Home" order, and following its being struck down by the state supreme court.