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Hurricane Forecast Model Output

Model Identifiers

This website owes its existence to data processed and freely provided by NOAA. Many of the models depicted here are developed and maintained by NOAA. The person who maintains this site is a NOAA employee. This site alone has powered solutions for the Florida Dept. of Revenue, New York Times, Reuters, USA Today, and multiple television stations, generating tens of thousands of dollars or more in revenue for them. Simply put, without NOAA, this site and countless other weather- and climate-related services that benefit and generate revenue for society do not exist.

Ever wonder which forecast model each of those three or four letter identifiers refers to on the forecast model track and intensity plots? Or what the difference is between various model types? This list, current as of the 2022 hurricane season, has the answers. The NHC has an excellent website with more details on the formulations for many of the models listed below. Click here for the partial source document for this list, or click here for a listing of deprecated identifers (e.g., to help interpret the historical forecasts available from this page).

Early vs. Late Models

The NHC and other official tropical cyclone forecast centers use two different forms of dynamical model guidance during the forecast process: "early" and "late" models. Dynamical models are typically run four times per day: 0000, 0600, 1200, and 1800 UTC. These times correspond to 8p, 2a, 8a, and 2p EDT, respectively. However, the output from these forecasts is typically not available to NHC forecasters when preparing the corresponding official forecasts that are issued at 0300, 0900, 1500, and 2100 UTC.

Consequently, "early" models represent forecasts from the previous cycle - that beginning 9 hr prior to an official forecast - that are shifted forward in time by 6 hr with a position and intensity matching the storm's current attributes. For dynamical models, these models have designators that end in an I (e.g., AVNI, CMCI, etc.) to indicate their interpolated nature. Note that consensus, statistical, and statistical-dynamical guidance is also classified as "early" guidance since each are derived using "early" model inputs. Conversely, "late" models represent forecasts from the current forecast cycle that arrive late, or after the official forecast must be made. They form the basis for the next forecast cycle's "early" model forecasts. They have no special designator notation.

Official Forecasts

These identifiers represent forecasts issued by NOAA's National Hurricane Center (NHC), Central Pacific Hurricane Center (CPHC), Weather Prediction Center, and Ocean Prediction Center. While derived from official sources of information, they should NOT be considered to be official.

OFCL Official NHC/CPHC Forecast
OFCI Official NHC/CPHC Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr
OHPC Official Weather Prediction Center Forecast
OOPC Official Ocean Prediction Center Forecast

Dynamical Models

These identifiers represent forecasts obtained from weather forecast models that solve mathematical equations that describe how wind, temperature, and moisture evolve within the atmosphere. Many of these models forecast the weather over the entire globe, and only some are specifically designed for tropical storm and hurricane forecasting.

AVNO / GFSO Global Forecast System Model Forecast
AVNI / GFSI Previous GFS Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr
AP## GFS Ensemble Member Forecast (## = 01 to 20)
AC00 GFS Ensemble Control Forecast
AEMN GFS Ensemble Mean Forecast
AEMI Previous AEMN Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr
CMC Canadian Global Model Forecast
CMCI Previous CMC Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr
CP## Canadian Ensemble Member Forecast (## = 01 to 20)
CC00 Canadian Ensemble Control Forecast
CEMN Canadian Ensemble Mean Forecast
CEMI Previous CEMN Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr
COTC U.S. Navy COAMPS-TC Model Forecast
COTI Previous COTC Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr
COAL U.S. Navy COAMPS-TC Model Forecast, Atlantic Basin
COAI Previous COAL Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr
COCE U.S. Navy COAMPS-TC Model Forecast, E. Pacific Basin
COEI Previous COCE Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr
CTCX Experimental U.S. Navy COAMPS-TC Model Forecast
CTCI Previous CTCX Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr
EGRR / UKX UKMET Model Forecast
EGRI / UKXI Previous UKMET Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr
EMX / ECMF ECMWF Model Forecast (rare; generally archives only)
EMXI Previous ECMWF Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr (rare; generally archives only)
HMON Hurricanes in a Multiscale Ocean-Coupled Non-Hydrostatic (HMON) Model Forecast Track/Intensity
HMNI Previous HMON Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr
HWRF HWRF Hurricane Model Forecast Track/Intensity
HWFI Previous HWRF Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr
JGSM Japanese Global Spectral Model Forecast (rare)
JGSI Previous JGSM Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr
NAM North American Mesoscale Model Forecast
NAMI Previous NAM Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr
NGPS / NGX U.S. Navy NOGAPS Model Forecast (deprecated)
NGPI / NGXI Previous NOGAPS Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr (deprecated)
NVGM U.S. Navy NAVGEM Model Forecast
NVGI Previous NAVGEM Forecast Interpolated Ahead 6 hr

Consensus Models

These identifiers represent forecasts obtained from the average, or consensus, of multiple forecast model track and/or intensity forecasts. Simple averaging, weighted averaging, and bias-corrected averaging procedures may be used, depending upon the consensus model in question. Most consensus models run if at least two members are available.

IVCN Variable Intensity Consensus of DSHP, LGEM, HWFI, GHMI, and CTCI Models
GUNA Consensus of AVNI, GFDI, EGRI, and NGPI Model Track Forecasts
CGUN Bias-Corrected GUNA Forecast
TCON / TCOE / TCOA Consensus of AVNI, EGRI, GHMI, and HWFI Model Track Forecasts
TCCN Bias-Corrected TCON Forecast
TVCN / TVCE / TVCA Variable Consensus of AVNI, CTCI, EGRI, EMXI, GHMI, and HWFI Model Track Forecasts
TVCC Bias-Corrected TVCN Forecast
TVCP Variable Consensus of AVNI, CTCI, EGRI, GHMI, and HWFI Model Track Forecasts
TVCX Variable Consensus of AVNI, CTCI, EMXI (2x weight), EGRI, GHMI, and HWFI Model Track Forecasts
TVCY Variable Consensus of AVNI (2x weight), CTCI, EGRI, EMXI (2x weight), GHMI, and HWFI Model Track Forecasts
RYOC / MYOC Forecaster-Generated Consensus Guidance (rare)

Statistical and Statistical-Dynamical Models

These identifiers represent forecasts obtained using statistical equations, whether those incorporating climatological information (purely statistical models) or those using simplified outputs from dynamical models (statistical-dynamical models). These models are less complex than the purely dynamical models described above; however, many of the intensity (but not track) models are as skillful, if not more skillful, than the more complex models. Models that are not skillful are typically not displayed on the forecast charts provided here.

BAMD Deep-Layer Beta and Advection Model Track Forecast
TABD Deep-Layer Trajectory and Beta Model Track Forecast
BAMM Medium-Layer Beta and Advection Model Track Forecast
TABM Medium-Layer Trajectory and Beta Model Track Forecast
BAMS Shallow-Layer Beta and Advection Model Track Forecast
TABS Shallow-Layer Trajectory and Beta Model Track Forecast
CLIP 72-hr Climatology and Persistence Track Forecast
CLP5 120-hr Climatology and Persistence Track Forecast
TCLP 168-hr Trajectory Climatology and Persistence Forecast (Track, Intensity)
LBAR Limited Area Barotropic Model Track Forecast (old, unreliable)
LGEM Logistical Growth Error Model Intensity Forecast
SHFR 72-hr SHIFOR Model Intensity Forecast
SHF5 120-hr SHIFOR Model Intensity Forecast
DSHF 120-hr Decay SHIFOR Model Intensity Forecast
SHIP SHIPS Model Intensity Forecast
DSHP Decay SHIPS Model Intensity Forecast
OCD5 Operational CLP5 and DSHF Blended Intensity Forecast
DRCL DeMaria Climatology and Persistence Model Intensity Forecast
MRCL McAdie Climatology and Persistence Model Intensity Forecast
RI## Rapid Intensification Aid (## = 25, 30, 35, 40)
SPC3 Statistical Prediction of Intensity Forecast (six members)

Disclaimer: The data displayed here are informational only and should NOT be used for making life and death decisions. Always take the word of official sources when preparing for any potential storm impact. The availability, timeliness, and reliability of these data are not guaranteed, and no liability is implied or expressed by your use of this website.