Analog Forecast Charts
This website owes its existence to data processed and freely provided by NOAA. Many of the models depicted here are developed and maintained by NOAA. The person who maintains this site is a NOAA employee. This site alone has powered solutions for the Florida Dept. of Revenue, New York Times, Reuters, USA Today, and multiple television stations, generating tens of thousands of dollars or more in revenue for them. Simply put, without NOAA, this site and countless other weather- and climate-related services that benefit and generate revenue for society do not exist. |
Analog plots are unavailable as of September 2023. Their return is uncertain (updated February 2025).
In meteorology, an "analog" refers to an event, pattern, etc. that is similar to the one being considered. For the last decade, we have been generating experimental analog forecast tracks for all active systems in the North Atlantic basin. These analogs rely on the similarity in the location, intensity, movement, and time of year between the active system and those in the past.
The weightings on current location, intensity, storm motion, and time of year in the current routine are as follows:
An analog score of 2.5 represents a location difference of 100 km (roughly 1 degree of latitude or longitude), a time of year difference of 33 days (roughly 1 month), an intensity difference of 10 kt, a forward speed difference of 5 kt, and a forward direction difference of 50 degrees (roughly W vs. NW). Similarity scores less than 5 indicate a very good match; similarity scores over 10 indicate poorer matches. As a result, unique or rare storms will inherently have larger scores than those that are less unique. The ten-best matches for each storm are retained and plotted.