Calculate Electrostatic Solvation Energy
Visualization, Free Energy, and Download Results
After submitting the job, please wait patiently for your results.
When your results are successfully retrieved from the server, you should see the following changes on the page:
- The "Visualization" section should automatically display a molecular structure of the uploaded VDAC, and a color mapping of the computed electrostatic potential values onto the generated molecular surface of the VDAC.
- The "Electrostatic Solvation Free Energy" section should show the electrostatic solvation free energy value.
- The "Download Files" section should show a link to download a zipped file containing result files.
- The "Output Log" section in the next tab should show a text log of the computation performed by our software package. It starts with the mesh generation information such as mesh data and computer performation data. It then gives the SMPBICS performation data, the solvation free energies, and the parameter values used in the calculation.
A VDAC biomolecule, 3EMN, is drawn by default. Left-click and drag the mouse inside the canvas to rotate the molecule. Left-click an atom to display its label.
Controls - Molecule Tab
In this tab, you can change the molecule being displayed, change the style of the atoms of the molecule, and recenter the view of the molecule.
Controls - SMPBS Surface
In this tab, you can load a custom molecular surface and map electrostatic values onto that surface, using files or data that you download from our server after a successful job submission. You can also adjust the properties of the surface and color map.
An OFF file contains the data for creating a molecular surface. A DAT file contains the electrostatic values defined on that surface. Both files are included in the ZIP folder you can download below after your job completes.
For best results, and you should load the OFF file first, followed by the DAT file.
Immediately following a job submission, the OFF and DAT data will also be saved to memory. Since changing the molecule or generating a surface will remove any existing surfaces, this is useful when you want to re-load the custom surface and color map without navigating through the file system to locate the appropriate files.
Controls - Paraview Glance
In this tab, you can use ParaView Glance to visualize the finite element meshes of the simulation box domain Ω, the protein domain Dp, the solvent domain Ds, and the membrane domain Dm. You also can use Paraview Glance to visualize the electrostatic potential functions and ionic concentration functions in color-mappings onto these meshes. To do so, you click the tab to open Glance. You then load a vtu file into Glance by hitting the “Open” button on the top-right toolbar.
Paraview Glance is an open-source web application developed at Kitware that can be used to visualize many data types. Its usage documentation can be found in the website
Event log
Electrostatic Solvation Free Energy
Download Files
Click Download to get the following files in zipped form:
- The parameter file, Parameters.ini, that was used as input for this calculation.
- The protein data bank (PDB) file in .pdb format.
- The protein data file in .pqr format
- The mesh file in .xml format (for use with DOLFIN).
- The molecular surface mesh file in .off format.
- The electrostatic potential file in .dat format for the electrostatic potential u and its components G, Psi, and Phit.
- Electrostatic potential and ionic concentration files in .pvd and .vtu formats for visualization via Paraview (Adjust output parameter settings to not save these files)
View Output Log
After submitting the job, please wait patiently for your results.
When your results are successfully retrieved from the server, the "Output Log" section should display a text log of the computation performed by our software package.