A67. Shakespearian Words of Gratitude

A67. Shakespearian Words of Gratitude

(Top Left) A67. William Shakespeare. Shakespearian Words of Gratitude. Santa Cruz, California: Peter & Donna Thomas, 1991.

49 x 24 mm (1 15/16”x 15/16”), 4 pages, not a limited edition.

Binding: Case-bound accordion; glued at spine. Full-bound in blue sheepskin. Star stamped in gold on cover. Paper: Blue, handmade by Peter Thomas. Printing: Letterpress. Typography: Hand set Goudy Thirty and Garamond.

“Shakespeare said thank you many different times and many ways, but never as directly as in this quote from Hamlet, Act II, 2:273.”

(Bottom) A71. Suzanne & Tanya Thomas. The Red Dog. Santa Cruz, California: Just For Fun, 1992.

35 x 19 mm (1 3/8” x ¾”), 14-page accordion, 150 copies.

Binding: Simple accordion; covers are marbled paper over boards. Held by a black leather strap joined with a metal ring. Paper: White, handmade by Peter Thomas. Printing: Letterpress. Typography: Canterbury, hand set by Tanya Thomas.  Illustration: Linocut by Donna Thomas made after a drawing by Suzanne Thomas spanning entire accordion.

“We attended every annual conclave of the Miniature Book Society until Tanya and Suzanne graduated school and they attended many of those meetings too. They would make little one-of-a-kind books to sell and wanted to have a ‘real book’ to sell. This was a family project and so we made up a special press name to use with it, “Just For Fun Press.” Suzanne drew the drawing, then Donna cut it in linoleum. Tanya wrote the text and set the type. Tanya and Suzanne both cranked the press to print the pages. Suzanne said that the book needed a dog collar so we added the leather strap to hold the book closed.”

(Top Right) A72. Glenn Clark. The Divine Plan. Santa Cruz, California: Peter & Donna Thomas, 1992.

71 x 54 mm (2 ¾” x 2 1/8”), 25 pages, number of copies unknown.

Binding: Red cloth over boards. Wreath stamped in gold on cover. End sheets red, black, and gold marbled paper. Paper: White, Svecia Antiqua. Printing: Digital. Typography: Digital, typeface unknown. Illustration: Reproductions of four drawings by Barbara Thomas.

“Glenn Clark founded a series of spiritual retreats called the Camps Farthest Out in the 1930’s. The text shares Clark’s vision of how to recognize God’s divine plan at work in one’s everyday life. My parents were active in CFO International and led many meetings around the globe. They wanted to have copies of Clark’s Divine Plan to give as gifts. Because of the success we had digitally printing You Can’t Make Paper from a Loofa [A66, A67] we also printed this book digitally using the same paper, and this time using a color copier to reproduce the color illustrations. There is no colophon, and we do not have a record of how many copies were made. I am going to guess a couple dozen, but that is a wild guess.”

Peter and Donna Thomas