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  • Tags: Forest Home Cemetery

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  • Photo of the first page of copy of original deed of cemetery

    The Forest Home Cemetery was established and had its' first burial in August, 1850. The goal of the cemetery was to be a garden cemetery…
  • Photo of Chapel's English Gothic architecture.

    The construction of the chapel was completed in 1892 and its first funeral service was that summer. The chapel was built in an English…
  • Photo of gravesite visited during architect tour

    The sonic postcard is a mix of sounds taking from the field recording from the tour of famous Milwaukee architects given at Forest Home and…
  • Headshot photo of Paul Haubrich

    An interview with former chairman of Forest Home Cemetery Committee, Paul Haubrich. The interview discusses the history of the cemetery and…
  • Gathering Place Report: Forest Home

    A few page summary of the history of Forest Home and how it functions as a gathering place throughout its 130 year history. Also, a timeline…
  • Photo of 58 Forest Home workers circa 1900 with description below photo.

    In the early 1900's Forest Home employed 58 workers as grave diggers, gardeners and for maintenance. These individuals worked hard to…
  • Photo of historic landmark plaque

    The Forest Home Cemetery and Chapel were designated as Milwaukee Historical Landmarks in 1973. The cemetery and chapel are popular tourist…
  • Field Recording of Architect Tour (Part 1)

    During the summer months Forest Home Cemetery offers numerous cemetery tours to the public. Private tours are available, as well. The sound…
  • Photo of early construction of Chapel Gardens

    The Chapel Gardens finished construction in 1956 located across from the Forest Home Chapel. The Chapel Gardens represent the changing…
  • Photo of couple getting married inside the Forest Home Chapel

    The story goes that in the early 1990's the first wedding at the Forest Home Chapel was a couple who had their first date at the cemetery,…