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  • Tags: Upper East Side Neighborhood

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  • Historical photograph of the main entrance of the Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist.

    In 1929, the congregation of Fourth Church replaced the bungalow edifice with a larger Georgian Revival style church designed by Charles…
  • Photograph of the Synagogue on Kenwood.

    Built in 1923, this synagogue was erected for Emanu-El, but later was the site of the newly combined congregation when the merge occurred in…
  • Audio of oral history and field recording of CCCM.

    The following four clips are in this order: an edited short version of the oral history and field recording combined, an oral history from…
  • Photograph of CCCM renovation in 2000.

    The Chinese Christian Church of Milwaukee undertook renovation work when they purchased the church building from the Fourth Church of…
  • Historical photograph of the CCCM congregation in front of Trinity Community Church, 1988.

    A 1988 photo of the Chinese Christian Church of Milwaukee congregation in front of Trinity Community Church just north of Milwaukee in Brown…
  • Historical photograph of the CCCM.

    Christian Scientists have been in Milwaukee since the 1880's. In 1918 a group of Christian Scientists acquired a plot of land on Kenwood and…
  • Wood block print image from a book that was produced for the 40th Anniversary of the Chinese Christian Church of Milwaukee.

    A book was produced for the 40th Anniversary of the Chinese Christian Church of Milwaukee. The book holds memories, stories, and photos of…
  • Flyer discussing the controversial sale of the Kenwood Blvd Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun synagogue in the late 1990s. Page one.

    This flyer discusses the controversial sale of the Kenwood Blvd synagogue in the late 1990s.
  • Photograph of the addition built in 1983 to serve as a chapel for Congregation Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun.

    This addition was built in 1983 to serve as a chapel for Congregation Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun. The stained glass represents the twelve…
  • Binding agreement certificate for the merge of the Emanu-El and B'ne Jeshurun congregations in 1927. Page one.

    This certificate was a binding agreement for the merge of two congregations, Emanu-El and B'ne Jeshurun. The consolidation occurred in…