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  • WJC Article - Call of support for Soviet Jewry.jpg

    Congregation Beth Israel engaged and continues to engage in social outreach. Rabbi Herbert Panitch, CBI Head Rabbi from 1970 to 1995,…
  • Historical portrait of Rabbi Samuel Hirshberg.

    Rabbi Samuel Hirshberg was head Rabbi at Congregation Emanu-El from 1904 to 1927. When Emanu-El joined with B'ne Jeshurun, he continued as…
  • Sketch from inside cover.jpg

    This image is from the inside cover of Congregation Beth Israel's 60th anniversary book published in 1944. The congregation had recently…
  • Panoramic photograph of the interior of River Hills Synagogue Sanctuary.

    The River Hills synagogue became the permanent home of Congregation Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun in 2009. Earlier, this building had served the…
  • TorahBooklet.jpg

    This is a cover of a booklet published by CBINT called “Torah Shall Come from Zion …” It features the Torah gates in the sanctuary as well…
  • Deeds, 1907-1927.pdf

    These are seat indentures, also known as deeds, for Congregation Beth Israel. The first indenture dates from September 6, 1907. For a…
  • Pamphlet cover for the Dedication Ceremony of the new Beth El Ner Tamid temple in 1951. Pamphlet shows an exterior photo of the new temple on Sherman Boulevard.

    By 1949 Congregation Beth El Ner Tamid out grew their original synagogue and decided to build a new temple on Sherman Boulevard. This item…
  • IMG_8446.jpg

    On May 15th, 2022, we attended children's classes held at CBINT from 9 am to 10 am. We recorded a variety of activities with children over a…
  • Historical photograph of Congregation B'ne Jeshurun synagogue at 10th and Cedar Streets.

    This is the second location of Congregation B'ne Jeshurun. The synagogue was built in 1886.
  • Photograph of the Synagogue on Kenwood.

    Built in 1923, this synagogue was erected for Emanu-El, but later was the site of the newly combined congregation when the merge occurred in…